1864 Bevington Organ

We have a very rare organ in St. Peter’s, bought by the Rev. Thorold from one of the ‘Grand Exhibitions’ of the 1860’s. We know this as it has no organ number from the London makers. The organ report we recently commissioned has suggested that complete restoration will cost in the region of £150,000.

Our original pump organ was much smaller. It was removed and given to Gunby parish a mile away – where it is still used today! Our new magnificent organ was installed in our original Vestry, necessitating a new, much smaller Vestry with no fireplace, to be created in the South West corner of the church.

Makers name above the keyboard
Organ Pipes and Keyboard
Keyboard showing damage and restoration required
Organ Keyboard

Organ and Pipes in Chancel. The keyboard is behind the curtain.
Organ from Knave

Painted Organ Pipes and carved wooden panel in the North Aisle
Painted organ pipes in North Aisle.
Organ Pipes above the keyboard
Detail of original paintwork on front pipe upper lip.